Saunterer gives up her secrets – Part 4 – original scribe lines discovered

Date: 20th July, 2015

“As we have stripped back all the paint on the hull we have also discovered three “scribe lines” at different levels (lines scribed by her architects round her hull to show precisely where she should lie on her waterline).  All three scribe lines are lower on her hull than her existing waterline – suggesting that her hull should actually lie further out of the water than it is.

The pictures below show the stripped back hull – from the stern…

Waterline 1

and from the bow…


…and when we put her back in the water for a brief floation test to see where she lies on her lines, Saunterer has risen out of the water above her original scribe lines by about 6 inches.

This is logical because (a) she is drier throughout, and we have removed (b) all the concrete and tar from her bilge (weighing about 750kg to date) and (c) her engine and fuel and water stocks (about 500kg).  The pictures below show the floatation test (note the bungs in the hull)…

Waterline 2

… and the wetted area above her rudder does not reach the white paint of the hull…

Waterline 3

she is lying about 6 inches out of the water…

Waterline 4

…also shown by the wetted area on her hull as she is lifted out again.

Waterline 5 Waterline 6

Some overall appreciation of her lines is offered by these pictures”

The Project Team – 20 July 2015

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